About Us

Our Origins

KFBC was founded by Kenyans residing in France. Registered under the 1901 French Law, our association is rooted in the vision of Kenyans abroad, fostering connections between Kenya and France.

Our Purpose

Based in Paris, we identify synergies between organizations and business communities. Our core purpose is to facilitate partnerships for economic, cultural, and social development.

Our Mission

KFBC’s mission is to create a cooperative and collaborative business environment. We aim to promote business relations between Kenya and France through our strong network.


We value the collective power for solving global challenges. We engage our members in creating and implementing innovative scalable solutions in their domains.


Sustainable & Reliable

We help our members and clients with sustainable development projects in Kenya, France, and beyond. We create synergies and opportunities and are a loyal partner.



 We have a strong commitment to supporting enterprises that create positive social and environmental outcomes. We get pride in positively impacting society.