Business Beyond Borders is a non-profit initiative whose aim is to promote and strengthen economic relations between Kenya and the Francophone world by offering a platform for thought- leaders, subject matter experts, private sector companies, Government agencies and investors to establish strategic alliances, forge strong partnerships and exchange ideas for mutual benefits.
BBB aims to explore several strategies and programs that have been earmarked by the government to attract investments in all fields. The conference was held against the backdrop of Kenya’s Big Four Action Plan:

  • Enhancing Manufacturing;
  • Food Security and Nutrition;
  • Universal Health Coverage and
  • Affordable Housing.

The first BBB Conference was held in France in 2016 where a number of transactions and project deals were discussed and concluded and was attended by:

  • Government officials from Kenya & France
  • Kenyan and French Company Managers
  • Private Sector Investors and
  • Investment Fund Managers

The Kenya France Business Club (KFBC) held the second edition Business Beyond Borders forum in Paris, France on 8th June 2018 and was attended by eighty (80) companies from both France and Kenya with a notable contribution from Dassault systems who gave an overview of their new venture in Kenya to market their software solid works, a program that will greatly benefit the manufacturing industry and the creation of employment for the youth.

The forum also discussed the trends of doing business in Kenya and the existing investment opportunities in the country. The participants included Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and representatives of major companies such as DASSAULT Systems, Bolloré Transport & Logistics, ADEPTA, IPSE, Act and Bridge, Open Business Africa, Opera Africa, WorldRemit, Investment Banks,
as well as private investors and owners of small and medium enterprises.

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